So the weekend started out promisingly enough. I stopped work early and went to the mall for a rare (and I mean RARE) two hour wardrobe update experience. Not to get too far off topic, but I just need to confess that I don’t even bother shopping on sale. I get to the mall about…
On Not Being a Very Good Mother
So I feel like [insert bad word] today about my parenting skills. I’m questioning the wisdom of posting this plainly on the Interwebs, where strangers can judge me. But I’m committing more fully to writing these days, as I’m finding it effective in helping me figure out just who I am these days. Yesterday, my…
The Human Squeeze Machine
Yeah. So I just squeezed my son to sleep. Well, not literally. He just needed to calm down. Hubby gave up trying to coax my son to sleep after lying in bed with him for half an hour and failing miserably. (My son is at that nap/no nap transition at the age of four, but…
Photojournalism Project – What Autism Looks Like in My Home
A lot of photographers participate in 365/52 projects, where somebody establishes a theme, and each participant then hunts around for images in their lives that illustrate what that theme means to them. I briefly thought about signing up for one of these projects. And then I thought about how crazy my life is, and how…
Unpredictability is the Worst Part
So I haven’t written much on here lately. The fact is, I’ve been incredibly depressed. Often angry. Sometimes in a rage that only somebody else with an autistic child could understand. And then back to being depressed. I’ve had nothing particularly incisive, witty or mind-blowing to write here. I don’t expect to always have unique…
Top 5 List of Benefits to Having an Autistic Son {Washington DC Autism Mom Parent}
I haven’t written on this blog in a while because I try not to go there. But lately I’ve been stuck there, so I might as well try and explore what there is for me lately. Maybe it’ll help shake me out of my malaise. Maybe. So here’s a list I expect to add to…
Would Believing in God Make Autism Easier to Swallow?
So I’m an atheist. IMHO, this represents quite the divide in the autism world. Not that there are separate clubs, or holiday parties, or secret handshakes between us and them. Not that I’m even aware if there’s any other atheist autism parent out there who could join ranks with me to form an “us” team….
He’s Talking!!!!!!
See this boy? The beautiful one? With the magical eyes? That’s my son. And he is starting to talk more and more. Like he walked around a corner this past weekend and decided that “yup, I’ve had enough of this being trapped inside my head thing and listening to Mommy and Daddy with their stupid…
Not a whole lot to report around here. We have one tired kid who’s falling asleep in his lunch because he can’t catch up on his sleep (usual story with all of us “Autism Parents”). I’m still demanding that he puts an “I want” in front of the nouns he grunts at me when he…
The Purity Factor
I realized tonight that I haven’t painted my toenails yet this season. I say “season”, because I have never cared what my toes look like when I’m not wearing sandals. Let’s face it: I have always been the type of woman who has to be strongly motivated to put contact lenses in over glasses, and…